






Dai Wei impressed people with his enthusiasm, modest, diligence and seriousness. Gray hair with the dark face, an artistic temperament with experiences just like a representation of the city he lives——Chongqing. As a recorder, he takes camera walking everywhere of this city, and never stops for 30 years.

Dai Wei is his pen name, his name is Dai Qianfeng. He witnesses all the changes of these years. In 1985, the chance to take photos of old Chongqing for a magazine reminded him those memories and started loving this city. At that time, he made up his mind keeping the last time of the old Chongqing to keep every change of each year. A hundred thousand pictures with 30 years, the son of Chongqing has been the most convincing witness of time.



“There is an old city in everyone’s heart, and there is obvious comparison between the old and the new. Those that left till now and has been going through time are the best witness of a city. We cannot stop the changing of time, but time witnesses history.” he said, looking this beloved city.

Chongqing, a city surrounded by mountains and cities, is also a famous city of World War II. History heals the hurt and lays the foundation for new cities. 30 years is short, but for him, it is a mountain of spiritual treasure.


He has almost walked everywhere of Chongqing, green hills, blue waters, old places, and new buildings...... In order to record a real city, he plays the role as a catcher watching and protecting it regardless of all the tiredness, and let the time deepen the wrinkles on his face.


He has never got married, living alone in an unknown place in Nan Shan. People say that he is too crazy, but he knows the meaning of aging. Every time when he pressed the shutter, it will never be repeated, that is the reason why it’s become an eternity. For his part, he is shooting years rather than time itself. These photos take down traces of time and the stories of the city, which also internalizes people of the meaning of “old city”.


There are lots of low and rundown buildings which are the vicissitudes of simple history. And a lot of different winding Hutongs are the signs that the native people have left. There are old cattaid leaf fan that used to enjoy the cool under the tree in summer, the shaking jelly and cold noodle in the shoulder pole, porters, basket carriers, ferry, cableway, and the stilted buildings...... He recorded the people and society with his camera, artistically represented the features of different times.


The development of a new city, means the disappearance of the old city. Dai Wei said: “the history of a city is the spirit of the city. I have been taking my camera walking through the streets for 30 years, just want to keep these memories.” In order to let the native see their childhood and the newly-come people know the past and spirit of this city, he has made all these 30 years’ shooting into a book called “The old city”.


This is a big world, and so is our love. Some love the family, some prefer work, while Dai Wei falls in love with a city. From a literary youth to a gray-haired old man within these 30 years of being alone, only he himself knows the bitterness when going through streets of this city. He said that "The old city" is his last salute and farewell to this city.




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Dai Wei impressed people with his enthusiasm, modest, diligence and seriousness. Gray hair with the dark face, an artistic temperament with experiences just like a representation of the city he lives——Chongqing. As a recorder, he takes camera walking everywhere of this city, and never stops for 30 years.

Dai Wei is his pen name, his name is Dai Qianfeng. He witnesses all the changes of these years. In 1985, the chance to take photos of old Chongqing for a magazine reminded him those memories and started loving this city. At that time, he made up his mind keeping the last time of the old Chongqing to keep every change of each year. A hundred thousand pictures with 30 years, the son of Chongqing has been the most convincing witness of time.



“There is an old city in everyone’s heart, and there is obvious comparison between the old and the new. Those that left till now and has been going through time are the best witness of a city. We cannot stop the changing of time, but time witnesses history.” he said, looking this beloved city.

Chongqing, a city surrounded by mountains and cities, is also a famous city of World War II. History heals the hurt and lays the foundation for new cities. 30 years is short, but for him, it is a mountain of spiritual treasure.


He has almost walked everywhere of Chongqing, green hills, blue waters, old places, and new buildings...... In order to record a real city, he plays the role as a catcher watching and protecting it regardless of all the tiredness, and let the time deepen the wrinkles on his face.


He has never got married, living alone in an unknown place in Nan Shan. People say that he is too crazy, but he knows the meaning of aging. Every time when he pressed the shutter, it will never be repeated, that is the reason why it’s become an eternity. For his part, he is shooting years rather than time itself. These photos take down traces of time and the stories of the city, which also internalizes people of the meaning of “old city”.


There are lots of low and rundown buildings which are the vicissitudes of simple history. And a lot of different winding Hutongs are the signs that the native people have left. There are old cattaid leaf fan that used to enjoy the cool under the tree in summer, the shaking jelly and cold noodle in the shoulder pole, porters, basket carriers, ferry, cableway, and the stilted buildings...... He recorded the people and society with his camera, artistically represented the features of different times.


The development of a new city, means the disappearance of the old city. Dai Wei said: “the history of a city is the spirit of the city. I have been taking my camera walking through the streets for 30 years, just want to keep these memories.” In order to let the native see their childhood and the newly-come people know the past and spirit of this city, he has made all these 30 years’ shooting into a book called “The old city”.


This is a big world, and so is our love. Some love the family, some prefer work, while Dai Wei falls in love with a city. From a literary youth to a gray-haired old man within these 30 years of being alone, only he himself knows the bitterness when going through streets of this city. He said that "The old city" is his last salute and farewell to this city.

