





Deniele Baratelli是一名意大利建筑师,目前在北京一家设计公司做项目经理。用他自己的话说,建筑师的天职像在讲述不同城市背后的故事,但在中国的生活经历,却让本来孤独的他,遇到了另一个真实的自己。

Deniele Baratelli is an Italian architect who is now working for a design company in Beijing as project manager. He said that telling the stories behind different cities is the bounden duty for architects, but the living experience in Beijing has made the lonely soul back to an original one.


Deniele said: “ Beijing is a great city where full of disparities between the east and west while also full of acceptance.” In this way, this is also who he is that living here.


In the past, Deniele’s working life was relaxing and long-drawn that three or four years for only one program, or maybe just fixing the toilet for his neighbor. But when he came to Beijing, everything has changed. He has to finish at least two or three programs every year that his job has been all in a hurry but with great sense of fulfillment.


Besides the architect, he is a bass player in Beijing. After work, his life is burning and full of passion, while as an architect, it seems that rationality and peace are more needed. When these two contrasting styles combined together in him we can truly understand why he loves Beijing so much.


“Beijing is a good place to live where I can be with music every weekend and I can also be wrapped up in working every weekday, this is incredible.” Deniele said.


The differences of architectures and lifestyles between the east and west mainly represented by people’s ways of thinking. In Deniele’s original impression, creation is something combined the knowledge we learned from school with our own experience, then maybe there would be a result after all those trial and errors. But in China, things are different. The Chinese tend to set a result before everything and all you are required to do is to achieve it, which may ensure the right final position and working efficiency.


Collisions and integration of culture make our life diverse and fantastic, which is just like Denniele, who is a romantic and quiet Italian, while he is also a passionate and creative architect of Beijing, in term of these two identities, he is more proud of the latter one.










Deniele Baratelli是一名意大利建筑师,目前在北京一家设计公司做项目经理。用他自己的话说,建筑师的天职像在讲述不同城市背后的故事,但在中国的生活经历,却让本来孤独的他,遇到了另一个真实的自己。

Deniele Baratelli is an Italian architect who is now working for a design company in Beijing as project manager. He said that telling the stories behind different cities is the bounden duty for architects, but the living experience in Beijing has made the lonely soul back to an original one.


Deniele said: “ Beijing is a great city where full of disparities between the east and west while also full of acceptance.” In this way, this is also who he is that living here.


In the past, Deniele’s working life was relaxing and long-drawn that three or four years for only one program, or maybe just fixing the toilet for his neighbor. But when he came to Beijing, everything has changed. He has to finish at least two or three programs every year that his job has been all in a hurry but with great sense of fulfillment.


Besides the architect, he is a bass player in Beijing. After work, his life is burning and full of passion, while as an architect, it seems that rationality and peace are more needed. When these two contrasting styles combined together in him we can truly understand why he loves Beijing so much.


“Beijing is a good place to live where I can be with music every weekend and I can also be wrapped up in working every weekday, this is incredible.” Deniele said.


The differences of architectures and lifestyles between the east and west mainly represented by people’s ways of thinking. In Deniele’s original impression, creation is something combined the knowledge we learned from school with our own experience, then maybe there would be a result after all those trial and errors. But in China, things are different. The Chinese tend to set a result before everything and all you are required to do is to achieve it, which may ensure the right final position and working efficiency.


Collisions and integration of culture make our life diverse and fantastic, which is just like Denniele, who is a romantic and quiet Italian, while he is also a passionate and creative architect of Beijing, in term of these two identities, he is more proud of the latter one.
