





短发银白,中式短衫,70岁的赵亦军精神矍铄,讲起话来慢条斯理,一副手艺人的沉静气质扑面而来。说起他自己,他有点儿自嘲,因为男人刺绣,很少; 但是他又很骄傲,曾经杭州宫廷绣,传男不传女。

Short silver hair with Chinese short gown, the 70-year-old Zhao Yijun looks as fit as a fiddle, speaking unhurriedly, where there comes the calm and quiet temperament of the craftsmen. When talking about his experience, he was self-mocking because few men works on embroidery; he was also proud of himself because the feudal palace embroidery in Hangzhou only passed to male at that time.


Hangzhou embroidery started from Wuyue and prevailed in the Southern Song Dynasty. The first one is the “palace embroidery” which mainly relies on the male craftsmen to sew the images with golden and silver threads, and there are also images filled with threads, which are called “ golden and silver embroidery” or “Panjin embroidery”. The second one is “folk embroidery” whose image mainly about fish-bird-flower things for women’s leisure and carefree. The third one is “boudoir embroidery” which are things about girls’ dowries. At the most prevailing time there were less than 300 people who could master this craft, and now only Zhao Yijun can make it.


Hangzhou embroidery is the combination of “Caixian embroidery” and “Panjin embroidery”, which is perfectly splendid with glorious design in rich colors, rich but not vulgar. While the male embroidery has temper force with grace embodied that forms the particular artistic feature of Hangzhou.


The process of the Hangzhou embroidery is complex. There are processes like drawing the draft, sewing, painting the lines, weaving the gold, weaving the silver and so on. In the embroidery, there’s no reference that people have to do the sewing, coloring, weaving by their own skills and spirits. Xhao Yijun has arrived at the stage of 70 years old, sitting in front of the table, needles flying, which is more like a performance than embroidering only.


Guan Jing Tu is one of his most serious works which spent years of his effort. It is 1.84 meters’ high, 1.67 meters’ width, in front are 532 images of Buddha, the back is the text of AmitayurdhyanaSutraof 7221 words in total.


At present, Zhao Yijun is one of the national tangible cultural heritage bearers, but this craft hasn’t been inherited by a proper one, and to find the inheritors is his first priority. Learning embroidery needs patience, and the ability of drawing, painting, designing are all necessary. However, the spirit of perseverance is the most importance. He said: “Hangzhou embroidery is delicate work, even a tiny work needs two or three years’ effort, and I do it at lest 8 hours a day, which is really hard for the modern young people.”


We usually read passages on the internet about workmanship like Jiro Dreams of Sushiwhich tells the story that Jiro spent 40 years in making the best sushi. However, thousands of years’ traditional Chinese culture never lacks of this craftsmanship. People like Zhao Yijun who devote themselves to inheriting the cultural treasures deserve our admiration.



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短发银白,中式短衫,70岁的赵亦军精神矍铄,讲起话来慢条斯理,一副手艺人的沉静气质扑面而来。说起他自己,他有点儿自嘲,因为男人刺绣,很少; 但是他又很骄傲,曾经杭州宫廷绣,传男不传女。

Short silver hair with Chinese short gown, the 70-year-old Zhao Yijun looks as fit as a fiddle, speaking unhurriedly, where there comes the calm and quiet temperament of the craftsmen. When talking about his experience, he was self-mocking because few men works on embroidery; he was also proud of himself because the feudal palace embroidery in Hangzhou only passed to male at that time.


Hangzhou embroidery started from Wuyue and prevailed in the Southern Song Dynasty. The first one is the “palace embroidery” which mainly relies on the male craftsmen to sew the images with golden and silver threads, and there are also images filled with threads, which are called “ golden and silver embroidery” or “Panjin embroidery”. The second one is “folk embroidery” whose image mainly about fish-bird-flower things for women’s leisure and carefree. The third one is “boudoir embroidery” which are things about girls’ dowries. At the most prevailing time there were less than 300 people who could master this craft, and now only Zhao Yijun can make it.


Hangzhou embroidery is the combination of “Caixian embroidery” and “Panjin embroidery”, which is perfectly splendid with glorious design in rich colors, rich but not vulgar. While the male embroidery has temper force with grace embodied that forms the particular artistic feature of Hangzhou.


The process of the Hangzhou embroidery is complex. There are processes like drawing the draft, sewing, painting the lines, weaving the gold, weaving the silver and so on. In the embroidery, there’s no reference that people have to do the sewing, coloring, weaving by their own skills and spirits. Xhao Yijun has arrived at the stage of 70 years old, sitting in front of the table, needles flying, which is more like a performance than embroidering only.


Guan Jing Tu is one of his most serious works which spent years of his effort. It is 1.84 meters’ high, 1.67 meters’ width, in front are 532 images of Buddha, the back is the text of AmitayurdhyanaSutraof 7221 words in total.


At present, Zhao Yijun is one of the national tangible cultural heritage bearers, but this craft hasn’t been inherited by a proper one, and to find the inheritors is his first priority. Learning embroidery needs patience, and the ability of drawing, painting, designing are all necessary. However, the spirit of perseverance is the most importance. He said: “Hangzhou embroidery is delicate work, even a tiny work needs two or three years’ effort, and I do it at lest 8 hours a day, which is really hard for the modern young people.”


We usually read passages on the internet about workmanship like Jiro Dreams of Sushiwhich tells the story that Jiro spent 40 years in making the best sushi. However, thousands of years’ traditional Chinese culture never lacks of this craftsmanship. People like Zhao Yijun who devote themselves to inheriting the cultural treasures deserve our admiration.
