







I have been thinking that music is closer than any other kinds of art. Music is a representation of our emotions but not an art only being admired, and we reach the resonance with it, with pleasure from deep heart. Above all, the voice box plays the role of a link between people and music, which better combines us, and makes music real and perfect. Music knows us, and we fall in love with music.


The true music lovers are not always listeners, they create. Some compose, some write, and some of them make voice box by hand. Liu Bo, a freelance, is one of them who makes music handicrafts.


“Simple Voice” refers to the wooden voice box that only has one button, when you switch it, there comes the music. And this is the work from Liu Bo.

为什么音箱的箱体要用木头呢?有人这么问过刘波。 他说:“首先从工艺上来说,木头好加工,形状也好控制,在使用过程中,木头对音质的影响是比较良性的,听起来更温暖,更柔和,而其他材料则不会有。”

Why does he use the wood as the material? People asked him about this question. He said: “ from the process, the wood is easy to be shaped, and has a good quality of voice which sounds fine and soft, no other material can compare.”

音箱的诞生,和其他器物一样,都需要制作者时间和精力的淬炼。一款手作音箱的制作到完成,需要半个月的时间,不同的人看音箱,会有不同的感触,可能某一处打动了客人,产生了情感的碰撞,从而产生兴趣。 刘波说,客人对我们的音箱有要求,而他对客人也有。“假如你是一位HIFI级发烧友,这些手工音箱可能不适合你,因为它的各项指标你用HIFI级的指标来测的话,肯定没那么完美;如果你对做工有着极其苛刻的要求,那也不适合,因为它毕竟是手工做的,有一些瑕疵是在所难免的。”

The birth of the voice box has been through a long process of development. A handicraft voice box will cost half a month, and different people have different feelings about it. Maybe there is just one feature touches him and booms emotional resonance. Liu Bo said: “customers have requirements to us, and so do we. If you are a HIFI audiophile, this may not suit you because it can’t satisfy the strict standards. If you demand an extremely high-quality of process, it won’t be yours, after all, it’s made by hand which cannot avoid some defects.”

当木头遇见刘波,当音乐遇见音箱,当客人遇见“素音”,每一次的遇见,都是一次微妙的缘分。 手作音箱虽然瑕疵难免,但其独一无二的外观和用心之作的工艺,都让刘波引以为傲。所谓穿衣戴帽各有所好,相信“素音”会遇到它的良人,与之共鸣,与之愉悦。

When the wood encounters Liu Bo, when music encounters the voice box, when the customers encounter the “Simple Voice”, each encounter is a subtle destiny. Although the handicraft voice box cannot avoid the defects, he is proud of the unique appearance and his effort and wisdom in it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the “Simple Voice” will surely encounter her people to share the pleasant resonance together.












I have been thinking that music is closer than any other kinds of art. Music is a representation of our emotions but not an art only being admired, and we reach the resonance with it, with pleasure from deep heart. Above all, the voice box plays the role of a link between people and music, which better combines us, and makes music real and perfect. Music knows us, and we fall in love with music.


The true music lovers are not always listeners, they create. Some compose, some write, and some of them make voice box by hand. Liu Bo, a freelance, is one of them who makes music handicrafts.


“Simple Voice” refers to the wooden voice box that only has one button, when you switch it, there comes the music. And this is the work from Liu Bo.

为什么音箱的箱体要用木头呢?有人这么问过刘波。 他说:“首先从工艺上来说,木头好加工,形状也好控制,在使用过程中,木头对音质的影响是比较良性的,听起来更温暖,更柔和,而其他材料则不会有。”

Why does he use the wood as the material? People asked him about this question. He said: “ from the process, the wood is easy to be shaped, and has a good quality of voice which sounds fine and soft, no other material can compare.”

音箱的诞生,和其他器物一样,都需要制作者时间和精力的淬炼。一款手作音箱的制作到完成,需要半个月的时间,不同的人看音箱,会有不同的感触,可能某一处打动了客人,产生了情感的碰撞,从而产生兴趣。 刘波说,客人对我们的音箱有要求,而他对客人也有。“假如你是一位HIFI级发烧友,这些手工音箱可能不适合你,因为它的各项指标你用HIFI级的指标来测的话,肯定没那么完美;如果你对做工有着极其苛刻的要求,那也不适合,因为它毕竟是手工做的,有一些瑕疵是在所难免的。”

The birth of the voice box has been through a long process of development. A handicraft voice box will cost half a month, and different people have different feelings about it. Maybe there is just one feature touches him and booms emotional resonance. Liu Bo said: “customers have requirements to us, and so do we. If you are a HIFI audiophile, this may not suit you because it can’t satisfy the strict standards. If you demand an extremely high-quality of process, it won’t be yours, after all, it’s made by hand which cannot avoid some defects.”

当木头遇见刘波,当音乐遇见音箱,当客人遇见“素音”,每一次的遇见,都是一次微妙的缘分。 手作音箱虽然瑕疵难免,但其独一无二的外观和用心之作的工艺,都让刘波引以为傲。所谓穿衣戴帽各有所好,相信“素音”会遇到它的良人,与之共鸣,与之愉悦。

When the wood encounters Liu Bo, when music encounters the voice box, when the customers encounter the “Simple Voice”, each encounter is a subtle destiny. Although the handicraft voice box cannot avoid the defects, he is proud of the unique appearance and his effort and wisdom in it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the “Simple Voice” will surely encounter her people to share the pleasant resonance together.
